About this event

Globethics is honoured to be hosting the ICDE Leadership Summit 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland.

The International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) is the leading global membership organisation working to bring accessible, quality education to all through open, flexible and distance learning (OFDL).

With over 320 members and partners in all world regions, ICDE’s work impacts millions of students worldwide. ICDE’s work includes:

  • Connecting our international network of educators, policymakers, and innovators, sharing best practices and industry knowledge.
  • Publishing and contributing to reports, surveys, and articles on emerging topics in the field of OFDL.
  • Facilitating intercultural and cross-country collaboration through events, projects and activities.
  • Global advocacy for the recognition of quality OFDL as a transformative power for sustainable development.

ICDE has been organising high-level international conferences and events since 1938. The ICDE Leadership Summit is a leadership-focused international conference, which explores contemporary challenges and opportunities facing today’s educational leaders and innovators in the globally connected digital era. With delegates attending from around the world, the Summit offers a vibrant, inclusive space for unique networking and development opportunities.

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